And I’m LOVIN’ it!! So have YOU seen the Stampin’ Up! Spring Mini Catalog already?! Don’t you ADORE it?! You can order from it any time now! My favorite product is this Honeycomb Embossing Folder (pg 6.) [Translation: It was a NEED! 馃槈 ] Oh–Don’t get me wrong!! I LOVE…
Project Pics
The coolest thing I forgot to mention….
I FOUND something!! So you know I had some time off, and somewhere in there I was up to a little cleaning (though it doesn’t exactly look like it at the moment.) Remember a couple months ago I told you that Todd brought me flowers at an event of mine?…
Remember this?
I’ve STILL not been back on Pinterest yet, but this pin is still on my mind. I’ve not done tons of stamping on our vacation–something else always takes its place! Plus, sleep kinda replaced stamping for awhile since I had wisdom teeth pulled. But I just couldn’t let this one…
A Peek with Scraps
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! We had such a nice day and are still looking forward to our time off (including Todd.) Yay! And I can’t believe we’re almost in the new year!!! That means Sale-a-Bration is coming up! (January 22 thru March 22.) One of my…
Combined Efforts
Here’s a quick scrappy post to show you some REALLY easy cards for Scrappy Monday! They are a few more ideas from the Stampin’ Up! Regional Seminar–Merry Moments Scrappin’ Kit. They are so cool, because they obviously use NON-scraps (the stickers from the kit) with scraps from the kit to…
Fun & Easy!
In case you weren’t one of the hostesses who received these at my clubs, I wanted to share a couple 6×6 scrapbook page designs with you. Don’t you scrapbook in 6×6 size? That’s ok! You can use this as a focus for a larger page–or you can just expand the…