Happy Friday!
I’ve been trying to post about this all week, and I kept having to put on the back burner!
Last Friday Todd and I had a little date! We visited Lavender Life in Caledonia. It was so beautiful! It smelled wonderful and was so relaxing. They had yummy lavender treats you could buy and a store to purchase lavender products–like soaps, lotion, lavender scented honey. SO many things!!
But my favorite part about Lavender Life is their mission: They sell the softest plush bunnies (and other animals) that have a lavender pouch in them, and with every purchase of a Zander bunny, they give a Zander bunny to a child in the foster care system. That’s so amazing! (I don’t know why I didn’t take a pic of a Zander bunny, but I didn’t!) You can visit the farm in person or just visit their website: https://lavender-life.com/
Here are some pics from our visit–oh! And a video too!

Obviously, you can check out their website, but here’s a pic of their general schedule of hours and harvest:

Visit them soon! Quick heads up: there’s a $10 parking fee you can pay by cash or pay online. But we were told it goes to help support their mission. Enjoy!!
Have a great weekend!!
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