Happy Monday people!!
Sorry for the late post!
I keep getting distracted by ALL THE THINGS! 😀
We're starting the month off right with Bonus Days!!
Does everyone remember Bonus Days?
Here's what you need to know:
- For every $50 you spend–in July, you earn a $5 Coupon Code–to redeem in August.
- There is NO LIMIT to the number of codes you can earn; nor is there a limit to the number you may redeem in August.
- If you redeem on a club order in August, though, you DO still need your order [after the code] to be at least $25 to make sure the hostess gets full credit for your order.
- You need a valid email address to earn the coupon–as it will be emailed to you! SAVE THE EMAIL.
As in past years, if you would like me to help you keep track of your code(s), you may forward me the email. (I will NEED you to do that for me anyway if I'm placing your redemption order.)
You can forward the email to me any time, but unfortunately, I will be unavailable starting Thursday….So no promises on how quickly I'll confirm that I've received it
Quick pics today. They're kinda "old."
I took pics of cards from friends and never shared.
I just didn't wanna leave today without a pic.
Have an awesome day!!
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