We are in the middle of SALE-A-BRATION (SAB)!!!!
It's such a fun time of year, because EVERYONE can get something free!
I'll "count the ways" in a minute.
But first today's card is brought to you by Georgianne Everhart:
She used the SAB set Lots of Lavender (pg 8 in the SAB catalog.)
And yes, she did fussy-cutting; there's no framelit for it. 🙂
So how can YOU get free stuff???
Let me count the ways!! 😉
Join my Dazzling Demos Team!!
(Do it TODAY, and you can register for OnStage Milwaukee with me tomorrow!!)
- Choose $125 of product for $99 (+ tax but NO SHIPPING!!)
- Choose 2 additional FREE stamp sets, valued at up to $101.
This Ultimate Bundle is only $99 + tax and is valued at up to $227!
- You are NEVER REQUIRED to have a class or club.
- You can sign up purely for the great deal on this bundle.
- You can stay an active demonstrator simply by selling/buying $300 of product per quarter.
- As long as you stay active, you get a minimum 20% discount on products–and access to all other demonstrator opportunities (such as the demo only website, attending OnStage, product preorders, etc.)
- Obviously, if you want more financial opportunities, those are available as your sales are higher and/or your team is bigger.
As my team member–whether you want to be a "Hobby Demonstrator" or you want to make a business:
- I'll help you succeed in whatever way suits you.
- You are invited to team meetings with me once or twice a month. (The second night is a bring your own project night.)
- You are invited to my Hostess Appreciation Party.
Shop til you drop!!
Online, at a workshop or club, or even at a class with purchase required, you earn 1 SAB item with EVERY $50 YOU ORDER!
(If you didn't receive a SAB catalog and would like one, let me know! You can also view it to the right of my blog.)
If you order $100, you can choose 1 of 2 premium items in the back of the SAB catalog–Celebrate You Thinlits or Happy Wishes.
Have your own party–in your home, online, or at club!
If you are a hostess during SAB and your workshop total is at least $250 in sales, you get to choose an additional $25 of free product (above what you already earn based on the hostess chart on pg 219 of Annual Catalog or pg 53 of Occasions Catalog.) This counts if you just place a $250 order yourself as well.
- You ALSO receive SAB items with every $50 purchase of your own.
- If you'd like to have an in-home party with friends, contact me now to choose a date!!
We could even have it in my home if that works better for you.
- If you'd simply like to do it online, that works! I can set up a hostess code so all your guests can use it to accumulate your sales/hostess benefits and have their own orders shipped to them directly.
I LOVE that there are so many options during Sale-a-Bration to earn free product!!
If you have any questions about Sale-a-Bration, let me know!
Have fun Sale-a-Brating!!
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