I’m a little late in the day! But I have exciting news!!

I’m planning my BOGO Sale for Thursday, September 12, 2024.
- First is IN-PERSON; it will be that morning, 10am-1pm ET. If you’re near enough, you may come and shop in my home.
- Second will be ONLINE–a Facebook Live!, starting at 3pm ET. To take part in this part of the sale, you’ll need to be a member of this Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/992753568641745
In general, here’s how BOGO (Buy 1, Get 1 FREE) works:
- Most retired items will be priced at their last “catalog” prices.
- You will shop and choose your retired items, and we’ll tally them up. (THESE are your FREE items.)
- Then you will place an order for CURRENT product in the amount of your retired tally or greater. (THIS will be your BOUGHT items.)
Here’s how the ONLINE BOGO works (2024):
1: SHOP. I’ll number items as I show them during the Live! on Thur, Sept 12, starting at 3pm ET. Be the first to claim an item by commenting SOLD 17 (or whatever number I give an item as I show it.) OR later in the albums, just comment SOLD on the pic of an item. Shopping of retired items ends Thursday, Sept 19, midnight ET.
2: ORDER. When you’re done shopping, tell me and total up the items you claimed. (I’ll message you as well, so we know we match.) Those are the FREE items of the deal. Then you place an online order (for your retired total or more) for CURRENTLY available product from Stampin’ Up! Catalogs, Clearance Rack, Online Exclusives, etc. by applying host code HCTM6R9A to your order or using THIS LINK: https://www.stampinup.com/?hostcode=HCTM6R9A This is the BUY part of the deal. Orders need to be placed by Sunday, Sept 22, midnight ET.
3: Pick up or pay Shipping. If you’re “local” (Wyoming, MI area), you’re welcome to arrange to pick up from me. If I need to ship to you, I’ll message you a Paypal invoice or link–using the shipping address from your online order, unless I already have it or you tell me otherwise. Minimum shipping will be $5 but obv could be more depending on how much you buy! (and if you buy heavy items.)
4: Deadline. Stampin’ Up! orders MUST be placed and shipping MUST be paid by Sunday, Sept 22, midnight ET. Or you lose your claimed items. Remember to apply host code HCTM6R9A to your order or use THIS LINK: https://www.stampinup.com/?hostcode=HCTM6R9A
5: Shipping. I’ll start shipping Monday, Sept 23. I’ll include some hand-stamped cards and possibly some other extras in there! (This is assuming you’ve placed your order and paid shipping.)
Thanks so much for your interest in this group!! I appreciate you!
Mark your calendars and have a great night!!
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