Happy Saturday!
I’m posting this in case you’re interested in helping–maybe cleaning out your kids’ closets?
My sister and her daughters (19 & 17) are going to Peru (early June) for a week to help at a children’s school/orphanage that their church ministers to. They’re each packing a bag with practical, fun and crafting items.
One of the NEEDS expressed was clothing, and my sister was given a list. If there are any items on this list that you’d like to gift to the school, I’d be happy to give them to my sister to deliver! I can accept them anytime after May 6. Here’s the list:
List of clothing needs for the school–any shorts should be around knee length:
- Jr miss med. Short sleeve shirts
- Jr miss small short sleeve shirts
- Girls 12 short sleeve shirts
- Girls 10 shorts
- Girls 6, 8 10, short sleeve shirts
- Boys 12 jeans
- Boys 12 polos and dress shirts
- Boys 8 and 10 shorts
Let me know if there are any items you’d like to drop off!
While I’m here, I thought I’d share another project. We made this at a class this week. Details below!

Have a wonderful weekend!
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