Happy Friday!!
I started this post on Sunday from the airport…then I didn’t have a pic to add here and didn’t get home til Monday. Crazy jet lag and I slept off and on all day! Then I had 2 clubs on Tuesday and never ended up posting this!! I thought I had!
I’m back from OnStage/Houston and San Antonio!!
It was a fun trip! The first of it was with my sister and her family. I realized I didn’t take any pics, but we had fun hanging out. The first night I got to see 3 of the kids at track practice. Eddie and Emilio are sprinters. Isabela is more long distance. Love watching them. We went mini golfing the 2nd day/full day we had together with family friends and even more kid friends! It was a fun mini golf course. Teresa made us a delicious picnic lunch–including her world famous chocolate chip cookies! Oh! And I found out I DO enjoy tea–cold and SWEETENED, and flavored! There’s a cool place, HTeaO, that has tons of flavors of both sweetened and unsweetened tea, and they have little dixie cups available to sample all the kinds from a tap. Surprisingly, I honestly liked every flavor I tried, but I think raspberry was my fave. You can buy it like you would a fountain drink OR a gallon of it. We brought gallons to the picnic too.
It shouldn’t surprise you we got some crafting in! I brought a couple projects to do together. And Teresa and Isabela helped me finish my swaps! I was last minute like usual getting all my stuff together. (I was actually finishing tax prep before I left, so Todd could deliver while I was gone. Packing happened last minute from a list I’d made–throwing stuff in a suitcase!!)
My helper Ruth helped me get everything cut and ready, and I did some assembly the 2nd night I was there. Here was my setup to finish! Yes, chocolate was involved. 😉

Here’s the pic. I’d done a similar card on one of my Lives!, but I wanted to add another strip of DSP.

I’ll show you a pic of the other project later. It’s one we made in clubs this month. 🙂
I was very thankful to be able to see my family on my trip! I’ll share about Houston later.
Have a fabulous day!!
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