Good morning!!
Hey–if you read to the end of my blog Friday and prayed for no rain in the morning, THANKS!!
We picked almost 30 pounds of amazing blueberries!
No rain; overcast/protected from the hot sun with a great breeze the whole time! Thank you, Lord!
And 20 pounds of them are tucked in the freezer for the year. 😀
(ps: we enjoyed a fabulous blueberry glazed donut, too!!)
I've been meaning to share swaps for awhile now.
I'm finally sharing the rest of them from the past couple team meetings.
I have tons more swaps from outside my team, too!
I'll get to those soon!!
Don't forget about my BOGO Retired Sale tomorrow!!
Tuesday, July 27, 10am-8pm at my house.
More details here:
Have an awesome day!!
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