If you know me at all, you know I'm NOT an animal lover.
Don't get me wrong–I love puppy and kitten pics and cute animal videos, etc.
Oh! And we have an ADORABLE new 4 month old St Bernard puppy next door!
I SAY puppy, but he's probably at least 50 pounds already!
He's Walter.
And I love him.
From afar.
He comes to greet us if he's outside when we are–and doesn't leave until we're out of sight for awhile:
(I've watched him from the window…watch Todd walk back inside…and WAIT…to see if he's coming back out or not.)
He makes me smile.
But I don't need to pet him, and I don't want one of my own.
But I KNOW many of you are HUGE animal lovers!
We have some great animal sets in our catalogs–the latest of which is a dog set and a cat set–each with coordinating punches.
(You MAY have ordered the cat punch during Halloween last year.)
I just thought I'd share those swaps with you today:
You can order these sets here:
There are just over 2 full weeks left of Sale-a-Bration!
Don't miss out!!
You can still:
- order as a customer and earn free items
- host a book party
- sign up to be a Dazzling Demo!
If you have questions, let me know!
Have a wonderful day and an amazing weekend!!
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