We still have 2 weeks left of Sale-a-Bration!!!
And with the unavailability of the Blendabilities as an option, Stampin' Up! has provided more current product options as FREE items for each of your $50 orders….
This is because–with the exception of stamp sets–all SAB items are available now WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!
They're not allowing the SAB items into the backorder situation.
So here's the flyer for the "new" FREE items available, including embossing folders, punches, washi tape and more. CLICK HERE
to print.
Also, don't forget to check out the new Weekly Deals.
REMINDER: they change EVERY week on Tuesday and last thru Monday.
Remember, if you can fall in love with a project, you can learn to create it! Here to help you channel your inner Creative Genius…
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